Friday, July 27, 2012

Heading West On the Half Dollar

Newport, KY

Raindrops splashed on Old Danny Boy’s bald head as he packed me up for this morning's ride. After yesterday’s sizzler, he said the rain felt good. Though the morning air was warm, he put on his raingear, threw a leg over, pressed “Start”, and there was thunder . . . Mine!

ODB and I are dedicated to following US Hwy 50. The GPS continually challenges that commitment with suggestions for more direct or faster routes. But no, we’re doing The 50 from end to end. Later, that meant backtracking when He Who Navigates took us down the wrong road. We dutifully turned around, went back, and picked up the Half-Dollar Highway.

It was one wet morning as we crossed Virginia, West Virginia, western Maryland, and more of West Virginia. The 50 is two lanes of blacktop as it snakes across the Blue Ridge Mountains. Areas of fog made for an extra challenge. Still, it was warm, the roads generally in good repair, traffic was sparse, I was running well, and ODB was in good spirits after a tough day in DC.
Note to travelers in these parts: When the suggested speed for a corner in the Blue Ridge Mountains says “25 MPH”, it means that you COULD make the corner at 25 MPH on a good day IF you were at the top of your riding/driving game, and IF you wanted to challenge your cornering skills. Otherwise, better take it at 20. ODB found this out the hard way, drifting me into the oncoming lane – unable to hold the line at the posted speed. We encountered several 15 MPH corners along the way that were extremely difficult due to steep grades. All in all, ODB found the morning’s ride to be technically challenging, exciting, beautiful, and most enjoyable.
The day heated up, the rain stopped, and my rider changed out of his raingear. At Bridgeport, WV the 50 suddenly morphed into divided four-lane – a welcome change of pace. After 125 miles of that, it was back to two lanes as the world around us transformed to Midwestern-style farms and fields. We toured Main Street in dozens of small communities along the way.

Check out Hillsboro, OH (right) where eleven roads intersect. One of them is US 50 West.

My thermo read 102 when we reached Cincinnati and crossed the Ohio River into Kentucky for the night. We’re right across from the Great American Ballpark, home of the Cincinnati Reds. ODB is relaxing in his motel room. I’m out here in a thunderstorm working my tailpipe off getting this report ready.
don’t mind a bit. It’s good to be back in the Midwest.

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